Dr B S Taneja

Dr B S Taneja
Id:  MML-HOSC-0000017
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Dr B S Taneja

From:  Opp.Noida Stadium Shop-6, F-Block, Sector-12, Simla Market, Near Water Tank, (Behind Modern School Junior ) NOIDA, Distt: Gautam Budha Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India, Pin-201 301 Resi-cum-Clinic Location Time:-8 am to 10 am Devika Gold Homz Greater N, Noida, India

Website:  https://drtanejas.com/ https://justurhealth.blogspot.com/ https://acupuncturenoida.blogspot.com/ https://acupuncture-testimonials.blogspot.com/ https://justuehealth.blogspot.com/ https://ivfacupuncturesupportclinic.blogspot.com/

Email ID : drbstaneja@gmail.com

Contact Us : 9818098372

About us

Dr.B.S.Taneja M.D. Acu. Gold Medalist Specializes in chronic and difficult back pain Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India Basically an Ayurvedic Physician Awarded Graduation Degree in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery. In 1981 Post Graduation Degree in Clinical Psychology from Gurukul Kangri University Haridwar .U.K. In 1985 Post Graduation Degree in Acupuncture Therapy - M.D.Acupuncture. Practicing Acupuncture for last 33Years with Success. On the occasion of 1st International Congress of Alternative Medicines held on World AIDS day 1st Dec.1993 at Park Hotel Calcutta, was awarded Gold Medal – in recognition of his dedicated services in the field of Psychotherapy with Acupuncture by Indian Board of Alternative Medicines. Gold Medal to Dr.B.S.Taneja was awarded by Mrs. Renuka Chowdhary Honorable Union Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare Govt. of India New Delhi, on the eve of 2nd World Congress of Complementary Healing Systems Jan 16th to18th in1998 I.M.A. hall I.P. Estate, New Delhi, India. Specialties: Acupuncture,Acupressure,Ayurveda,Psychotherapy

Why us

Acupuncture Acupresure Services Under the competent leadership of ayurvedic physicians of the country,our clinic has become a preferred name in the domain of Acupuncture Therapy and Scanning Services. Our therapies help the patients in getting the relief from the pain and inconvenience caused by diseases like Cervical Spondylosis, Knee Joint Pain-Osteoarthritis, Lumbago-Osteoporosis of Spine, etc. These services are carried out by experts who correct the flow of energy in the body by using needles. We offer these treatments at very affordable prices.

Achievement & Awards

Ayurvedic Physician Awarded Graduation Degree in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery. In 1981 Post Graduation Degree in Clinical Psychology from Gurukul Kangri University Haridwar .U.K. In 1985 Post Graduation Degree in Acupuncture Therapy - M.D.Acupuncture. Practicing Acupuncture for last 33Years with Success. On the occasion of 1st International Congress of Alternative Medicines held on World AIDS day 1st Dec.1993 at Park Hotel Calcutta, was awarded Gold Medal – in recognition of his dedicated services in the field of Psychotherapy with Acupuncture by Indian Board of Alternative Medicines. Gold Medal to Dr.B.S.Taneja was awarded by Mrs. Renuka Chowdhary Honorable Union Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare Govt. of India New Delhi, on the eve of 2nd World Congress of Complementary Healing Systems Jan 16th to18th in1998 I.M.A. hall I.P. Estate, New Delhi, India.

Medical Condition Treated & Health Topic Interest

Abdominal Pain Achilles Tendinitis Acid Reflux/GERD Acne/Pimples Adjustment Disorder Alcoholism Allergy Altitude Sickness Alzheimer's Disease Amnesia Angina/Chest Pain Ankylosing Spondylitis/Bechterew's disease Anorexia Nervosa Anxiety Disorder Aphasia Arthritis/Joint Inflammation Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder/ADHD Autism Autonomic Neuropathy Back Pain Balance Disorder Bedwetting/Nocturnal Enuresis Bell's Palsy/Idiopathic Facial Paralysis Body Dysmorphic Disorder Borderline Personality Disorder Bronchiolitis Bronchitis Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Central Pain Syndrome Cerebral Atrophy Cerebral Palsy Chest Pain Chikungunya Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Constipation Dementia Demyelinating Disease Depression Diabetes Diabetic Neuropathy/Diabetic Nerve Damage Difficulty Swallowing/Dysphagia Down Syndrome Dupuytren's Contracture Epilepsy/Seizures Erectile Dysfunction/Impotence Female Infertility Fibroids/Uterine Fibroid Fibromyalgia/Fibrositis Foot Drop Frequent Urination Gastritis/Stomach Inflammation Hearing Loss Hiccup High Blood Pressure/Hypertension High Blood Sugar/Hyperglycemia Knee Pain Leg Paralysis/Paraplegia Male Infertility Muscular Dystrophy Nasal Polyp Neck Pain Nephrotic Syndrome Nocturia Osteoporosis Panic Attack Parkinson's Disease Patellar Tendinitis Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome Postpartum Depression/Maternity Blues Premature Ejaculation Premenstrual Syndrome Psoriasis Psoriatic Arthritis Psychosis/Psychotic Disorder Raynaud Syndrome Rheumatoid Arthritis Sciatica Scoliosis Serotonin Syndrome Sick Sinus Syndrome/Sinus Dysfunction Sinusitis Sixth Nerve Palsy Smoking/ Nicotine Dependence Spinal Stenosis Spondylolisthesis Spondylosis Tinnitus Tourette Syndrome Varicose Veins Vitiligo Zollinger Ellison Syndrome

Procedures Performed

Abdominoplasty/Tummy Tuck Abortion Adenectomy Adenoidectomy Adrenalectomy Allergen Immunotherapy Allergy Testing Ambulatory Phlebectomy Amniocentesis Amniotomy/Artificial Rupture of Membranes Amputation Anal Sphincterotomy Angiography Angioplasty/Balloon Angioplasty Anoscopy Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion Anterior Cruciate Ligament/ACL Reconstruction Aortic Valve Replacement Apicoectomy Appendectomy Arthrocentesis Arthrodesis Arthroplasty Arthroscopy Artificial Insemination Assisted Zona Hatching Atherectomy Atrial Septostomy Auriculectomy Balloon Sinuplasty Bariatric Surgery Behaviour Therapy Biopsy Neck Mass Blepharoplasty Bone Grafting Bone Marrow Aspiration Bone Marrow Biopsy Bone Marrow Transplant Botox Injections Bowel Resection Brachioplasty/Arm Lift Brachytherapy Breast Cancer Screening Breast Implant Breast Reconstruction Breast Surgery Bronchial Challenge Test Bronchial Thermoplasty Bronchoalveolar Lavage Bronchoscopy Bullectomy Bunionectomy Bursectomy Bypass Surgery Caesarean Section/Caesarean Delivery Cardiac Catheterization Cardiac Surgery Cardiectomy Cardioversion Carotid Artery Dissection Carotid Endarterectomy Carotid Stenting Carpal Tunnel Surgery Cataract Surgery Catheter Ablation Cervical Cerclage Cervicectomy/Trachelectomy Cheek Augmentation Chemical Peels Chemotherapy Cholecystectomy Chorionic Villus Sampling Circumcision Clitoridectomy Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Colectomy Collagen Injection Colon Cleansing Colonic Polypectomy Colonoscopy Colostomy Colpocleisis Colporrhaphy Colposcopy Contraception/Birth Control Corneal Transplantation Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery Coronary Catheterization Corpectomy Counselling Craniectomy Craniosacral Therapy Craniotomy Cryoablation Cryotherapy Cupping Therapy Cystectomy Cystography Cystoscopy Debridement/Dental Decompressive Craniectomy Decortication Deep Brain Stimulation Dental Braces Dental Crown and Bridge Dental Dentures Dental Filling Dental Implant Dental Jewellery Dental Restoration Dermabrasion Dermatoscopy Dilation and Curettage Dimple Creation Discectomy Diverticulectomy Doppler Echocardiography Double-Balloon Enteroscopy Duodenectomy Egg Donation Electrotherapy Embolectomy Emergency Contraception Endarterectomy Endometrial Ablation Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography/ERCP Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy Endoscopy Endovascular Aneurysm Repair Enteroscopy Esophageal Dilatation Esophagectomy Esophagoscopy Essure Excisional Skin Surgery Extrapleural Pneumonectomy Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing/EMDR Eye Surgery/LASIK Eye Test Face Lift/Rhytidectomy Facetectomy Facial Feminisation Surgery Fistulectomy Fistulotomy Fixed Prosthodontics Fluoride Therapy Foraminotomy Frenectomy Fulguration Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Ganglionectomy Gastrectomy Gastric Bypass Surgery Gastrostomy Gingivectomy Glossectomy Gonadectomy Gum Depigmentation Hair Removal Hair Transplantation Heart Transplantation Heller Myotomy Hemicolectomy Hemicorporectomy Hemilaminectomy Hemipelvectomy Hemispherectomy Hemodialysis Hemorrhoidectomy Hepatectomy Hernia Repair Hip Arthroscopy Hip Replacement Surgery Hormone Replacement Therapy Hymenoplasty/Hymenorrhaphy Hymenorrhaphy Hymenotomy Hypophysectomy Hysterectomy Hysteroscopy In Vitro Fertilisation/IVF Inguinal Hernia Surgery Internal Fixation Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection Intubation Iridectomy Jejunectomy Keratectomy Keratoprosthesis Kidney Transplantation Knee Arthroscopy Knee Replacement/Knee Arthroplasty Labiaplasty Laminectomy Laminoplasty Laparoscopy/Laparoscopic Surgery Laparotomy Laryngectomy Laryngoplasty Laryngoscopy Laryngotracheal Reconstruction Laser Resurfacing Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy Liposuction Lithotripsy Liver Transplantation Lobectomy Lumbar Puncture Lumpectomy Lung Biopsy Lung Transplantation Lymphadenectomy Mammaplasty Mandibulectomy Mastectomy Mastoidectomy Mastopexy Maxillectomy Maxillofacial Prosthetics Maze Procedure Mediastinoscopy Medical Nutrition Therapy Meniscectomy Mentoplasty/Chin Augmentation Microepidydimal Sperm Aspiration/MESA Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Mitral Valve Repair Mitral Valve Replacement Mohs Surgery Myomectomy Myringoplasty Myringotomy Nasal Fracture Reduction Nasal Valve Reconstruction Natural Cycle in Vitro Fertilization Neck Dissection Necrosectomy Nephrectomy Neurectomy Neuropsychological Test Nissen Fundoplication Oculoplastics Oophorectomy Ophthalmological Exam Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Oral Sedation Dentistry Orchiectomy Ostectomy Osteosynthesis Osteotomy Otoplasty Ovulation Induction Pacemaker Implantation Palatoplasty Pallidotomy Pancreatectomy Pancreaticoduodenectomy Panniculectomy Pap Test Paracentesis Paracervical Block Parathyroidectomy Parotidectomy Pelvic Exenteration Penectomy Penile Implant Per-oral Endoscopic Myotomy Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration/PESA Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Percutaneous Nephrostomy Pericardiectomy Perineoplasty Peritoneal Dialysis Pharyngectomy Pharyngo-laryngo-esophagectomy Photorefractive Keratectomy Photorejuvenation Pillar Procedure Plastic Surgery Pneumonectomy Polypectomy Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis/PGD Prenatal Testing Proctocolectomy Proctoscopy Prostatectomy Psychiatric Assessment Pulmonary Function Tests/PFT Pulpectomy Quadrantectomy Radial Artery Puncture Radiotherapy Reflexology Reiki Healing Revascularization Rhinectomy Rhinoplasty/Nose Reshaping Root Canal Therapy Sacral Nerve Stimulation Sacrohysteropexy Salpingectomy Salpingo-oophorectomy Segmental Resection Septectomy Septoplasty Shoulder Replacement Shoulder Surgery Sigmoidoscopy Sinus Surgery Sleeve Gastrectomy Spinal Fusion Spinal Manipulation Spirometry Splenectomy Stapedectomy Stem-cell Therapy Sterilization/Medicine Strabismus Surgery Stress Incontinence Stretta Procedure Surgical Airway Management/Bronchotomy/Laryngotomy Sympathectomy Syndesmosis Procedure Synovectomy Tattoo Removal Teeth Whitening Testicular Sperm Aspiration/TESA Testicular Sperm Extraction Thalamotomy Thighplasty/Thigh Lift Thoracentesis Thoracoscopy Thoracotomy Thrombectomy Thymectomy Thyroidectomy Thyroplasty Tonsillectomy Tooth Extraction Tooth Tattoos Total disc Replacement/TDR/ Intervertebral Disc Arthroplasty Trabeculectomy Transmyocardial Revascularization Travel Vaccinations Trendelenburg Operation Tubal Ligation Tuboplasty Turbinectomy Tympanectomy Tympanoplasty Tympanostomy/Ear Tubes Ulnar Collateral Ligament Reconstruction Uretectomy Uvulectomy Vaccination Vaginal Delivery Vaginectomy Vaginoplasty Vagotomy Valve Replacement Vasectomy Vasoepididymostomy Vasovasostomy Veneers/Dental Venipuncture Ventouse Vertebroplasty Vesiculectomy Vitrectomy Vulvectomy

Procedure Performed with Cost (Approximate)
Name Price
₹ 700
Visit Doctor
Dr B S Taneja M D Acu Goldmedalist
Alternative Medicine Specialist, Dermatologist, General Physician, Holistic Medicine Specialist, In Vitro Fertilization/IVF specialist, Infertility Specialist, Pain Management Doctor, Rheumatologist, Sexologist, Trichologist, Ayurvedic.
Our Locations
Dr.B.S Taneja Psycho-Acupuncture & Medicare Center Clinic: F-Block, Shimla Market, Shop No.6, Sector -12,Nr.Water Tank NOIDA, Distt. Gautam Budha Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India, Pin Code: 201 301. Resi-cum-Clinic Location Time:-8 am to 10 am Devika Gold Homz Greater Noida Extn.(West). Flat No.103 Tower No-DG-7 Plot No GH-06/CGreater Noida Extn.(West). Noida U.P Pin-201306 Note:- Prior Fix Appointment is necessary for consultation. You can use WhatsApp Mob:-+918383053410 Contact No. 09818098372

Acupuncture Testimonials

Dr B S Taneja Posted on 2nd September, 2023 at 3:02:51 AM


Dr B S Taneja Posted on 2nd September, 2023 at 2:16:31 AM

Acupuncture Acupressure, Indirapuram, Noida Ghaziabad

Dr B S Taneja Posted on 2nd September, 2023 at 2:07:14 AM

ACUPUNCTURE ACUPRESSURE, Noida Just ur Health Drug Free Disease Free Healthy Life.

Dr B S Taneja Posted on 25th January, 2019 at 7:42:00 AM
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