Acupuncture Testimonials

Acupuncture Testimonials

by Dr B S Taneja

Posted on 2nd September, 2023 at 3:02:51 AM

Acupuncture Testimonials

ACUPUNCTURE TESTIMONIALS Acupuncture Cure for Chronic Constipation and Hyperacidity (1) Acupuncture Therapy For Hypertension Diabetes and Kidney Diseases (1) Cervical Spondylosis is an occupational hazard (1) Sciatica (1) Tendonitis Cure Acupuncture (1) Acupuncture Cure for Chronic Constipation and Hyperacidity Q. How does acupuncture affect the body? Recently, many studies have been done to understand the mechanism of acupuncture. Acupuncture has been shown to stimulate the immune system. It also has effects on circulation, blood pressure, rhythm and stroke volume of the heart, gastric acid secretions, and the production of red and white cells. It also stimulates the release of a variety of hormones that help the body respond to injury and stress. CONSTIPATION Q: What is the myth about constipation? Constipation occurs when stools are difficult to pass during bowel movements. Most people think "normal" means stools are passed daily. Actually, it is considered normal to have bowel movements anywhere from three times per day to three times per week, as long as the stools can pass easily. Q: What are some symptoms of constipation? The chief symptom of constipation is the difficulty in passing a stool accompanied by cramping and rectal pain caused by the strain of trying to pass hard and dry stools. Bloating, nausea, and sometimes the passing of a small amount of bright red blood are also consequences of constipation. The bleeding is due to the tearing of the anus or hemorrhoids due to the hard and dry stools pushing through the anus. This type of bleeding is small in quantity and should stop when constipation is controlled. Constipation can alternate with diarrhea when mucus and fluid leak out around the stool lodged in the rectum caused by the constipation. Q: What are the causes of constipation? Constipation is mostly due to a lack of fiber and inadequate water intake from a daily diet. Traveling, lack of exercise, immobility due to illness or aging, certain medications or medical conditions (such as irritable bowel syndrome), overuse of laxatives, pregnancy, hemorrhoids, or delaying bowel movement can all lead to constipation. Q: How can acupuncture treat constipation? According to the TCM perspective, constipation may be caused by either an excessive or deficient condition. If constipation accompanies abdominal distention and pain and irritability, it is mostly an excessive type, and treatment is aimed at sedating the accumulation. If the constipation is accompanied by weakness (deficient type), treatment would aim to unify the body’s energy field to induce energy circulation and therefore push out the stools. GASTRIC HYPERACIDITY (HEARTBURN) Q: What is heartburn? Heartburn is a common form of gastric hyperacidity, causing a burning sensation in the esophagus, or below the sternum in the heart region. It is one of the most common symptoms of indigestion. Q: What is the cause of heartburn? The etiology of heartburn may be explained as the result of the regurgitation of partial food contents from the stomach back into the esophagus, carrying excessive acidity (hydrochloric acid) secreted by the stomach. Due to its acidity, this irritates the esophagus and produces discomfort or pain with a burning sensation. Q: What is Traditional Chinese Medicine’s perspective on gastric hyperacidity? According to TCM, gastric hyperacidity is usually the consequence of emotional stress disrupting the normal Qi (energy) pathways, leading gastric acid to be regurgitated from the stomach. Emotional stress can stimulate the vagus nerve (one of the cranial nerves controlling the stomach motion and secretion) which starts the secretion of various gastric juices and the contraction of stomach muscles causing heartburn. Q: How can acupuncture treat heartburn? Acupuncture is aimed at the underlying cause rather than just the symptom itself. It is believed that unless the root of the cause is targeted, symptoms would only be alleviated, but will not be cured. Treatment is primarily focused on the relaxation of emotional stress to restore harmonized communication between the brain and stomach muscles. The secondary treatment principle is directed toward strengthening the transporting functions of the Stomach meridian. Consulting Acupuncturist Dr.B.S.Taneja M.D Ac., M.Ac, S.I.Jaipur M.I.C.C.M.Delhi M.I.C.Ac.Beijing Gold Medalist Acupuncture Specialist Basically, an Ayurvedic Physician Awarded a Graduation Degree in Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery. In 1981 Post graduated degree in Clinical Psychology from GurukulKangri University Haridwar. U.K. In 1985 Post Graduation Degree in Acupuncture Therapy M.D.Acupuncture.Practicing Acupuncture for the last 35 years with Success. LABELS: ACUPUNCTURE CURE FOR CHRONIC CONSTIPATION AND HYPERACIDITY Acupuncture Therapy For Hypertension Diabetes and Kidney Diseases Acupuncture Therapy For Hypertension, Diabetes, and Kidney Diseases High blood pressure Q. What causes it? In many people with high blood pressure, a single specific cause is not known. This is called essential or primary high blood pressure. Research is continuing to find causes. In some people, high blood pressure is the result of another medical problem or medication. When the cause is known, this is called secondary high blood pressure Q. What is high blood pressure? A blood pressure of 140/90 or higher is considered high blood pressure. Both numbers are important. If one or both numbers are usually high, you have high blood pressure. If you are being treated for high blood pressure, you still have high blood pressure even if you have repeated readings in the normal range. Q. What are the symptoms of high blood pressure? Usually, there are no specific symptoms that indicate that someone has high blood pressure. However, some population surveys have shown that a wide variety of common symptoms, such as sleep disturbance, emotional upsets, and dry mouth, are slightly commoner in people with higher pressures. The differences are small, however. Going red in the face, or feeling flushed, is not indicative of high blood pressure. Q. What is Diabetes? Diabetes Mellitus is a syndrome characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from impaired insulin secretion and/or effectiveness, associated with risks for diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) or nonketotic hyperglycemic-hyperosmolar coma (NKHHC) and a group of late complications including retinopathy, nephropathy, atherosclerotic coronary and peripheral arterial disease, and peripheral and autonomic neuropathies. Hypertension, hyperinsulinemia, and hyperlipidemia are often associated with diabetes. The normal fasting plasma glucose level range is between 60 to 109 mg/dl. Type 1- Diabetes (formerly known as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus) accounts for 10% of all cases of diabetes mellitus and is clinically characterized by hyperglycemia and a propensity to DKA. Its control requires chronic insulin treatment. Although it may occur at any age, it most commonly develops in childhood or adolescence. Type 2- Diabetes (formerly known as non-insulin–dependent diabetes mellitus) is characterized clinically by hyperglycemia (fasting plasma glucose level >126mg/dL) that is not associated with a propensity to DKA, but some patients intermittently or persistently require insulin to control or prevent symptomatic degrees of hyperglycemia which might lead to NKHHC. It is usually found in patients over the age of 30 but it also occurs in children and adolescents. It is commonly associated with obesity. Type 2 diabetes is a heterogeneous group of disorders in which hyperglycemia results from both an impaired insulin secretory response to glucose and decreased insulin effectiveness. Symptoms of Type 1- Diabetes include irritability, frequent urination, abnormal thirst, nausea or vomiting, weakness, fatigue, weight loss despite a normal intake of food, and unusual hunger. Symptoms of Type 2- Diabetes include blurred vision, itching, unusual thirst, drowsiness, fatigue, skin infections, slow wound healing, and tingling or numbness in the feet. Acupuncture as a complex therapeutic system has been used to treat a variety of diseases and pathological conditions. Although the exact mechanism(s) of acupuncture remains unknown, some evidence suggests a mechanism initially involving signal transduction through connective tissue, with secondary involvement of other systems including the nervous system. Acupuncture has become increasingly popular in Western countries as a therapy for pain and several chronic disorders difficult to manage with conventional treatments. Acupuncture and acupuncture-like somatic nerve stimulation have been used in different kidney diseases and several complications related to them. The effect of acupuncture techniques in some kidney diseases, hypertension or diabetes is reviewed on the basis of clinical reports as well as mechanisms that may possibly explain the beneficial effects mediated by acupressure/acupuncture. The potential effect of acupressure techniques in renal inflammation and whether these effects could be mediated through the newly identified cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway are discussed. Results are encouraging but individual results sometimes give thought to summaries results very carefully. About the author:- Consulting Acupuncturist Dr.B.S.Taneja M.D Ac., M.Ac, S.I.Jaipur M.I.C.C.M.Delhi M.I.C.Ac.Beijing Gold Medalist Acupuncture Specialist Basically, an Ayurvedic Physician Awarded a Graduation Degree in Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery. In 1981 Post graduated degree in Clinical Psychology from GurukulKangri University Haridwar. U.K. In 1985 Post Graduation Degree in Acupuncture Therapy M.D.Acupuncture.Practicing Acupuncture for the last 35 years with Success. LABELS: ACUPUNCTURE THERAPY FOR HYPERTENSION DIABETES AND KIDNEY DISEASES Cervical spondylosis An Occupational Hazard The occupational strain resulting from the intensity and duration of working hours is taking a toll on the health of youths. Cervical spondylosis is afflicting the working class in the age group of 18 to 40 years, especially those in the IT sector. The percentage of such patients is increasing due to stress, pressure at the workplace, and unhealthy food habits. With the rise in the number of professionals like those at the call center who remain confined to the desk or in front of a computer for hours together in one posture, the number of people suffering from cervical spondylosis is on the rise. Neck pain can be caused by an injury, muscular problem, or by a trapped nerve between vertebrae. Besides, inappropriate working or sleeping posture may also be responsible. It is a clinical syndrome resulting from degeneration of the intervertebral disc and consequent pressure on the cervical nerve roots or the cervical cord. An x-ray reveals the formation of osteophytes and loss of normal lordosis or forward curve. This is essentially an extension of degenerative changes in the body as a whole. It is a degenerative disorder of the neck bones due to abnormal wear of the bone cartilage. This might lead to the gradual compression of one or more than one nerve roots. It results in changes in sensation in the arm, pain in the neck and arm, and weakness of upper limb muscles. Causes: Injury and muscular problems cause abnormal tears of joints, ligaments, and the structures surrounding the joints. Trapped nerve between vertebrae. Long hours of reading or working on the computer Watching TV and driving for long hours Bad posture Poor skeletal setup in the neck predisposes to abnormal tear of the neck joints. Improper sleeping posture Symptoms: Headache Pain, and stiffness in the neck, which may spread to other body parts, like the shoulder and arm. Irritable, restless and fatigued, disturbed sleep and impaired work ability Numbness & weakness may appear in arms, hands, fingers, and legs Pain at the back of the neck region, causing headache, and altered sensation while combing hair Precaution: Do not bend your neck for a long duration while working in front of a computer Avoid large thick pillows while sleeping Avoid sudden twisting of the neck Do neck-muscle-building exercises Professionals who spend hours doing desk work or in front of the computers should take small breaks in between. Advice for patients: Avoid violent massage with deep pressure No manipulations by bone setters Exercise daily Drink milk and opt for calcium intake Anti-inflammatory medication, muscle relaxants Neck collar Physiotherapy, neck traction, and diathermy Treatment: Acupuncture Therapy is the only treatment that gives a cure to all patients suffering from occupational computer use hazards. Testimonials: Case - 1 Mr. Akash Jain From akash jain To Date Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 9:11 PM Subject Thanks to Dr. Taneja and his Acupuncture Dear Sir, I have been suffering from back pain and shoulder for the last 2 years. One day I came across learning about acupuncture in Dr. Taneja's clinic. I did the course for almost 2 months of the acupuncture process. Now I am feeling more good & comfortable with my back and shoulders. I can now do daily routine work with ease than before. Moreover, it is not costly at all. Thanks to Dr.Tanjea and his acupuncture. Thanks & Regards Akash Testimonials: Case- 2 Mr. Rahul Ranjan From rahul ranjan Subject -Treatment of chronic back pain Hi Doctor, This mail is regarding the improvement of my chronic back pain with acupuncture treatment. I have been suffering from this lower back pain since last Dec 2009. I had got it treated at a major Hospital. They gave me painkillers but it was a temporary solution. In March 2010 when I was playing cricket, I strained my back again while balling and then I knew it had to be cured fully before I started again playing. I was suggested to go for acupuncture treatment. I saw the ad on the internet when I came to know about Dr. BS Taneja. After completing 20 sessions of ultrasonic massage and acupuncture the pain which was very acute for 20 days from now has been decreased by 50%. I feel very relieved after getting this treatment. And I am very hopeful that I will be again playing cricket with all my strength and pain-free. Regards, Rahul Ranjan LABELS: CERVICAL SPONDYLOSIS AN OCCUPATIONAL HAZARD Backache due to Sciatica Mr. G.V. Singh 47 years 47-year-old Male suffering from Backache due to Sciatica came for Acupuncture Treatment. Mr. G.V. Singh's MRI report mentions Limbo-sacral spine was maintained with the straightening of the normal spinal curve. With mild Scoliosis Degenerative changes seen at L4-L5 level posture central disc protrusion at L4-L5 level. Posterior bulge at L3 - L4 level resulting in compression over the cal sac. Concentric disc bulge at L5-S1 level. All these changes lead to backache to Right leg Sciatica pain. Treatment was started one month before the MRI report and total sitting was 30 days to get CURE. I have received his Email for well-being after one month of Acupuncture Treatment at our Clinic Psycho-Acupuncture & Medicare Center, in Noida. Dear Dr. Taneja, Here is my story. "After going through excruciating pain in my right leg due to Sciatica, for the first few days, and having taken allopathy medicines, I came across some articles regarding acupuncture and back pain on the internet. On researching it further, I found it to be an interesting science for pain relieving and decided to give it a try. I was helped to a great extent by Geeta (my colleague) to make up my mind and she got me the address of Dr.Taneja's clinic. I experienced substantial improvement in my condition after 4-5 sittings itself. One needs to combine acupuncture therapy with certain back-extending exercises to get the maximum benefit. Dr.Taneja's advice is to continue exercising (whichever gives relief). My situation improved to about 95% fitness after about 30 sittings. I have stopped the therapy and started with my regular gym exercises. I am taking care at the moment not to disturb or put any pressure on my back to give it more time for complete healing. Additional free add-ons are Dr. Taneja's knowledge and his conversation ability. He can converse on multiple topics and at various levels. So most of the time during sittings we had lively discussions around spirituality, the meaning of life, human behavior, etc. At times, he may get carried and exhibit a self-righteous attitude. Overall it was an excellent experience in going through acupuncture therapy in Dr. Taneja's clinic. " Thanks and regards. G V Singh POSTED BY IDEA 0 COMMENTS LABELS: SCIATICA TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 2010 Tendonitis Cure Acupuncture Mr.Suchit Malhotra 33Yrs M.C.A. Proffesstinal was suffering from Tendenitis Right Wrist Joint for the last Seven Months. He has been working on Computer, daily for 7 to 8 hours for the last 4 years. After all types of treatment failure. Mr. Suchit came for Acupuncture treatment at our Clinic "Psycho Acupuncture & Medicare Center", Noida. Get a Cure only after Eight days of treatment. I have received an Email from Mr. Suchit Malhotra about his experience with Acupuncture Cure. Dear Dr Taneja, I am writing this email to Thank you for all your help during the Treatment of Thumb Tendinitis. I have been suffering from Thumb Tendonitis for the past six months getting Acupuncture Physiotherapy done for the last three months. When I first contacted you around a month & half back I was feeling 75-80% relief in my pain by Acupuncture. I am really amazed with the results I have received just after the first week of Acupuncture. The pain just vanished in one week & now it's been close to one month & I do not feel any pain at all in the Thumb. I am thankful to you for the precise Acupuncture treatment. I will recommend acupuncture in the future. Thanks, Suchit

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