
About- A migraine is a neurological disorder that can cause mild to severe headaches, usually on just one side of the head and it may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light.
Types of Migraine
migraine Acephalgic migraine (also called migraine without headache, aura without headache, silent migraine, and visual migraine without headache)
migraine Acute migraine
migraine Chronic migraine
migraine Complex migraine 
migraine Menstrual migraine
migraine Migraine with aura (also called classic migraines/ complicated migraine/ and hemiplegic migraine)
migraine Migraine without aura (common migraine)
migraine Optical migraine (also called eye migraine, ocular migraine, ophthalmic migraine, monocular migraine, and retinal migraine)
migraine Vestibular migraine (migraine-associated vertigo)
migraine Blurred vision
migraine Confusion
migraine Constipation
migraine Depression
migraine Difficulty speaking
migraine Dizziness
migraine Eye pain
migraine Fainting
migraine Fatigue
migraine Food cravings
migraine Frequent yawning
migraine Hearing noises or music
migraine Hyperactivity
migraine Increased thirst and urination
migraine Irritability
migraine Lightheadedness
migraine Mood swings
migraine Mostly, throbbing or pulsing pain on one side of the head
migraine Nausea and vomiting
migraine Neck stiffness
migraine Pins and needles sensations in an arm or leg
migraine Seeing shapes, light flashes, or bright spots
migraine Sensitivity to light and sound and sometimes smells and touch
migraine Temporarily vision loss
migraine Tingling sensation in the face, arms, or legs
migraine Uncontrollable jerking or other movements
migraine Weakness or numbness in the face or one side of the body
The exact reason is not clear. The probable factors are
migraine Environmental factors
migraine Family history
migraine Imbalances in brain chemicals including serotonin

Trigger factors
migraine Alcoholism, especially wine, and highly caffeinated beverages
migraine Bright lights and sun glare
migraine Certain medications including oral contraceptives and vasodilators
migraine Dehydration
migraine Food additives
migraine Foods including aged cheeses, salty foods, and processed foods
migraine Hormonal changes in women
migraine Jet lag
migraine Loud sounds
migraine Missing sleep or getting too much sleep
migraine Physical exertion
migraine Skipping meals or fasting
migraine Smoking
migraine Stress
migraine Strong smells
migraine Weather change

Specialist to visit
migraine Neurologist

migraine Ask a question or view previous questions and answers on migraine

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