About-Arachnoiditis is a pain disorder caused by the inflammation of the arachnoid, one of the membranes known as meninges that surround and protect the nerves of the central nervous system including the brain and spinal cord.
Symptoms- Intense pain in the injured area including the lower back, legs, buttocks, or feet Pain may feel like an electric shock or a burning sensation and may radiate across the back and legs Balance disorder Bladder or bowel problems Crawling sensation on the skin Depression Dizziness Fatigue Hearing problems Inability to sweat normally (anhidrosis) Joint pain Muscle cramps or spasms Nausea and Vomiting Numbness, tingling, or a pins-and-needles feeling Ringing in the ears (tinnitus) Severe headaches Sexual dysfunction Trouble sleeping Trouble walking Vision problems Weakness
Causes- Spinal cord injury Injury or complications during spinal surgery Epidural steroid injections are used to treat disk problems and other causes of back pain Epidural anesthesia, which is often used during labor and delivery Epidural disc prolapse Spinal tap (lumbar puncture) Bleeding in the spine due to injury or surgery Chemotherapy drugs, that are injected into the spine Myelogram, an imaging test Disk prolapse occurs when the inner part of a disk in your spinal cord bulges out Meningitis Tuberculosis Repeat manipulation during catheter or leads insertion.