How Do I Control My Blood Sugar (Diabetes) While on Steroids?

How Do I Control My Blood Sugar (Diabetes) While on Steroids?

by sweetclinics sweetclinics

Posted on 25th November, 2021 at 3:40:47 AM

How Do I Control My Blood Sugar (Diabetes) While on Steroids?

People take steroids for many reasons. A vast majority of people use them to treat different types of infections due to weak immune systems and tissue injuries. Although steroids can prevent tissue damage, these pills come with many serious side effects. It is important to take the pills cautiously and with a medical expert’s prescription. Now, what if a diabetic patient takes steroids? Does it interfere with their glucose levels? Let’s find out.

A common side effect of steroids is the high risk of hyperglycemia (when your blood glucose level increases significantly). So, those suffering from diabetes need insulin to keep their blood sugar in check. The steroids can suppress your insulin, leading to insulin deficiency in your body. As a result, your blood sugar level increases due to the excess amount of glucose in your bloodstream.

Can You Control Your Blood Glucose While Taking Steroids?

Steroids are also linked to steroid-induced diabetes. This means it increases the risk of diabetes in non-diabetic patients, so you can imagine how it affects those suffering from type 1 or 2 diabetes. It is best for diabetic patients to avoid steroids unless it is absolutely necessary for their health. For example, treatments like chemotherapy require steroid therapies.

The good news is you can manage your blood glucose levels while you are on steroids. Here are a few things you can try to maintain insulin production in your body.

  • Discuss Your Condition with a Healthcare Expert: Visit a diabetes specialist clinic in Navi Mumbai and discuss your need for steroids. If you need medication for any other illness, make sure you mention your diabetic condition to the specialist so they can recommend medicines that don’t interfere with your blood glucose levels.
  • Monitor Your Glucose Levels: Keep your blood sugar levels in check if you are on steroids. It can increase rapidly, increasing your risk of stroke, nerve damage, and other infection. Check your glucose levels and stay in touch with a blood sugar doctor in Navi Mumbai, India.
  • Take Insulin: For most diabetic patients who are on steroids, the diabetologist recommends insulin that must be taken before meals or at other times. Take insulin regularly and as recommended by your doctor to avoid any complications.
  • Follow a Healthy Diet: In addition to taking your diabetes medicines and insulin daily, you should follow a healthy diet plan to stay healthy and energetic throughout the day. As a general rule, diabetic patients should avoid foods rich in sugar. But, it is more important for people on steroids to control their sugar intake.

Tip: Always carry a chocolate bar, honey, glucose tablets, or fruit juice with you. Sometimes, steroids can drop your blood sugar level significantly.

If you have been taking steroids for a while and you are diagnosed with diabetes recently, do not stop steroids suddenly. It can cause withdrawal symptoms. Reduce your steroid dosage first and then stop taking them after consulting with a doctor. You should also reduce the dosage of your insulin with steroids.

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