Corona In Children

Corona In Children

by Dr Amitabha Saha

Posted on 14th September, 2023 at 11:59:19 PM

The country’s leading news houses and medical experts already predicted that the 3rd wave is inevitable. As the unlocking phase is slowly rolling out, reckless behavior from the masses can once again skyrocket the number of COVID cases. Thus, it has posed a challenge for the nation’s youth as the vaccination drive is still a long-way from completion. This when coupled with the utter chaos led by frantic media – the danger still looms at large.

This is all the more reason why the best Covid treatments in Kolkata are “breathless” in this pandemic scenario. Hospitals, private healthcare facilities and diagnostic centres are flooded with a new surge of Covid patients every week. This has become a living nightmare for the elderly as they are facing an illogical dilemma –

Only if they are infected with the virus (a test to be conducted prior to the appointment), will they be allowed to be admitted. If not, too bad!

What is the present scenario?

The harrowing experience is only worsening as the parents are stuck in a loop in-between. Thus, it has become all the more important for them to stay healthy indoors. The plight of children is no different as the third wave is most likely to affect the younger age groups severely. Moreover, the lack of hospital beds and life-saving equipment is only adding to the woes.

Thus, it is up to the public to follow the guidelines laid down by the GOI and deal with the situation without any further panic. Let’s take a look at some of the essential guidelines and tips (from experts) to deal in this challenging time…

Stop the spread of “panic”

As corny as it might sound, the spread of panic is particularly dangerous in this digital age. Misinformation in “Whatsapp new era” can be fatal if not circulated by authorized personnel. Thus, it is our duty to take all the necessary precautions to battle this disease as effectively as possible.

Follow the Covid-19 safety protocols meticulously and maintain –

  • Hygiene
  • Social distancing
  • Wear a mask and sanitize hands frequently

And, most importantly get vaccinated as and when possible. However, if you get infected, avail the best Covid treatments in Kolkata led by healthcare professionals like Dr Amitabha Saha (with experience in Covid treatment) – upon the first symptoms of infection. Moreover, the severity of infection among children and young adults are far less as compared to middle-aged and elderly individuals.

New mothers should also get vaccinated

Pregnant and lactating mothers should get vaccinated against Covid at the earliest. Irrespective of the Covid status, breastfeeding should not be stopped as it is completely safe to do so. Viruses don’t get transmitted through breast milk – so do the math!

However, precautions like wearing masks, keeping hands clean at the time of breastfeeding should be strictly maintained. To contain the spread, Covid-safety protocols must be followed both by the mothers and her family.

Precautions for children

As per the National Immunization schedule –

Children should get vaccinated once the vaccines start rolling. Before and even after vaccination, strictest precautions must be undertaken to curb the spread. The Covid safety protocols are to be followed by the children above the age of 5 and if infected with Coronavirus, must avail the best Covid treatments in Kolkata immediately. However, individuals below the age of 5 are not necessary to wear masks.

Keep in mind –

Some individuals could be asymptomatic but exhibit first symptoms of respiratory distress, fever and cold-like symptoms. So, special care and isolation must be followed at all times as it can prove fatal in future.

Dealing children with Covid

Any child infected with Covid should be hydrated with fluids like –
Coconut water
Rice gruel
Fruit juice along with a nutritious diet.

In case of loose stools, Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) must be administered. For mild fever, Paracetamol should be administered with frequent monitoring of symptoms. In cases where your child suffers from chronic ailments such as diabetes or asthma – the severity of infection is more critical. Under such circumstances, opting for the best Covid treatment in Kolkata is the safest bet!

Summarizing everything

Despite the fatalities report and nationwide pandemic, help at hand is never too far away. Parents should take extra attention and provide emotional companionship to the children dealing with Covid. Smartphone and internet abuse must be curtailed with iron fists as they are directly linked with spreading mis-propaganda.

Instead spend time with your children, keep them engaged, administer the medicines timely and encourage them to stay indoors even after the symptoms wane.

Bear in mind –

Children with psychological issues should be provided with appropriate counselling and medical attention. Their special talents and skills could be nurtured and encouraged during this time. And, most certainly, cooperate with the Government to put our children away from Corona’s way!

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