Food Poisoning In Monsoons

Food Poisoning In Monsoons

by Dr Amitabha Saha

Posted on 24th July, 2023 at 7:12:43 AM

After a prolonged period of heat and humidity, we all long for the first showers of the year. It is indeed quite challenging to not be smitten by the drop in temperature and the cold breeze. The feel-good factor is quite contagious and we often tend to enjoy the arrival of the rains to the fullest. But the fresh downpours give rise to life, to plants, pests, and bacteria.

The damp weather attracts pests, insects, bacteria, germs, viruses, and diseases. The proliferation of diseases includes food poisoning which is quite common in the gloomy months of the monsoons. And this increase in the cases of food poisoning tends to dampen the spirits and turns the romantic weather into a grumpy and sad environment.

Some of the common food poisoning symptoms include diarrhea, nausea, dehydration, vomiting, and other serious stomach disorders. You can choose to get in touch with a physician to learn the dos and don’ts during the monsoon to avoid food poisoning. You can find an adept doctor on the internet by just typing “internal medicine specialist near me” to get a list of the doctors near you.

Here are some steps that you should check on…

Don’t consume raw food

Harmful bacteria present in raw food can affect your stomach extremely. The presence of bacteria and germs increases dramatically during the monsoons. Therefore, it is important to wash your food and cook it properly before consumption. Vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, and other leafy items should be washed properly, preferably with salt water. This will help in removing any harmful bacteria or germs that might have been present.

Eat more hygienic food

The need for hygiene has been well highlighted with the advent of the coronavirus pandemic. This applies to food items as well. Make sure you maintain proper hygiene, and wash and cook your food properly before consumption. Also, wash your hands before cooking and eating to avoid contracting food-borne diseases. In light of the current scenario, it is best to avoid outside food as much as possible.

In addition to the above, be cautious about the water being used for cooking. Do not use infected or dirty water as it can increase the chances of infection. This is also a persistent reason to avoid roadside food as we are unsure about the water being used while cooking. Unhygienic and unclean water and food can lead to several gastrointestinal diseases. Upon noticing symptoms like loose motion, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, low fever, bloating, heartburn, constipation, and bleeding, reach out to a doctor immediately.

Choose organic and fresh food

Practice adding organic and fresh ingredients to your staples such as garlic, ginger, pepper, cumin, coriander, turmeric and more. These items are known to boost your immunity and can be quite helpful for you during the monsoon season.

Store your food properly

Foods tend to spoil quite quickly during the monsoon. This is because there is a massive increase in bacteria that can taint your food, leading to a host of health issues. Thus, it is important to store your food properly to avoid breeding germs and bacteria. Do not leave your food uncovered as pests like cockroaches, lizards and others leave behind diseases for you. Also, keep your food stored at the right temperature and refrigerate well. Avoid consuming stale food as it can affect your stomach.

Avoid pre-cut fruits

Pre-cut fruits should always be avoided, regardless of the weather. Avoid store-bought fruit juices and smoothies as they might not be safe and fresh which can increase the chances of food poisoning. When buying fruits from the roadside, ensure that they are fresh and avoid buying pre-cut to prevent stomach disorders.

Don’t drink untreated water

Water can be a great source of stomach diseases. Avoid untreated water and even packaged water as they might not be as safe as you might think them to be. When stepping outside carry a water bottle to quench your thirst when required and to avoid infections.

Avoid seafood

The risk of contamination through water is pretty high during the monsoon. This is why you should try and avoid seafood such as shrimp, fish, prawns, and more that can pose a risk of stomach infection. Seafood can be a great carrier of infection which might prevail even after washing and cooking. Therefore, it is best that you stay away from seafood during the monsoons and trusts other food items with the least contamination risk.

Remedies for food poisoning

In view of the current scenario, even the leading Covid specialist in Kolkata recommends concentrating on the diet during the monsoon. The rate of diseases tends to spike up with the first pour of rain. Therefore it is important to take care of one’s health and avoid over-the-counter medicines as much as possible. Over-the-counter medicines can help initially but are not good for your body in the long run. To avoid food poisoning, eat fresh and properly cooked food, stay hydrated and avoid street-side food as much as possible.

Final thoughts…

Food poisoning can be a catalyst for several stomach disorders. To avoid serious conditions it is recommended to seek medical help if the symptoms persist longer. You can get in touch with adept doctors like Dr. Amitabha Saha to treat serious health conditions conveniently.

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