What Happens In Late Treatment of Knee Dislocations

What Happens In Late Treatment of Knee Dislocations

by Dr. Shailendra Patil

Posted on 12th May, 2023 at 5:51:21 AM

Knee dislocation is a medical condition in which the tissues holding your knee together move from their original position. The ligaments can tear, causing the knee joints to dislocate. Knee dislocation is quite rare and most likely occurs after a serious car crash or a fall. 

However, it requires immediate treatment, as a dislocated knee implies serious damage to the ligaments. It’s torn to a stage that makes your knee look crooked. A dislocated knee causes extreme swelling and pain even when you are not moving the knees. You might need knee surgery in Mumbai to get your knee replaced or relocated to its original place.

When Should You Consult a Doctor?

As mentioned above, dislocated knee requires immediate care. You will notice discomfort and inflammation in the knee when you have dislocated knee. The deformity in the knee, numbness in the foot, and lack of pulse are a few common symptoms of a dislocated knee.

A dislocated knee doesn’t just cause a crooked leg, but when left unaddressed for a long time, it can damage your blood vessels. In some cases, you might lose the sense of touch on your foot and the knee. There’s also the risk of amputation—losing your limb—if the above concerns are not addressed in time. Cartilage damage on different parts of your joints is also a possibility when the dislocated knee is not treated immediately. 

How is a Dislocated Knee Diagnosed?

It’s easy to diagnose a dislocated knee by taking a look at your knee and your movement. However, they might order a few tests to confirm the dislocation and identify the severity of the ligament injury. 

They will order an X-ray to ensure that there’s no broken bone. Next, they will check if there is any injury to the arteries. This is done by checking the pulse in the foot. They will also examine the nerves, as injury to the nerves is also possible when you have a dislocated knee. The doctor will ask you to move the knee up and down to check the signs of any numbness in these muscle groups.

How is the Dislocated Knee Treated?

A dislocated knee is treated as an emergency case. It can’t be corrected with home remedies. Placing an ice pack on the dislocated knee can help reduce swelling and pain until you get medical care. If you are unable to move your leg at all, call an ambulance and seek emergency medical care. 

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