Can Lower back pain be caused after falling on knees?

Can Lower back pain be caused after falling on knees?

by Dr. Sudhir Kumar

Posted on 27th March, 2023 at 3:03:45 AM


Knee pain is a common condition that can be caused by a number of different disorders. In some cases, knee pain may be the result of lower back issues. If you have been diagnosed with knee pain and are experiencing other symptoms in your lower back area, it’s important to consult your doctor about this possibility.

Knee pain can be a symptom of lower back disorders.

Knee pain may be referred from the Lumbar spine or Pelvis, depending on the specific lower back disorder you have. If your knee hurts when you walk, this could mean that your L5-S1 disc is bulging into your spinal canal and pressing on nerves as they pass through it. If your knee hurts while sleeping at night, this could mean that there’s pressure on nerve roots in an area called facet joints (the ones where two bones meet) caused by inflammation around them from arthritis or osteoarthritis.

Knee pain can be referred from the Lumbar spine or Pelvis.

Disc degeneration, spondylolisthesis, spinal stenosis, and herniated discs are all common causes of knee pain.

Osteoarthritis may cause knee joint pains that radiate down into your hip or lower back region.

Posterior hip impingement syndrome is another possible cause of knee pains that originates in the pelvis and extends into your hips and legs (especially if it’s severe).

The type of referral you experience depends on the specific lower back disorder you have.

The type of referral you experience depends on the specific lower back disorder you have. For example, if you have sciatica, pains will radiate down the back of your leg and can cause problems with walking.

The severity of this condition depends on how far down into your leg it extends and how severe its symptoms are. There may also be numbness or tingling in that area as well as localized tenderness (which is usually caused by inflammation).

If you have Hip Osteoarthritis or Pelvic Dysfunction, pain may radiate down the front of your thigh.

If you have Hip Osteoarthritis or Pelvic Dysfunction, pains may radiate down the front of your thigh. Pain can also be felt in the front of your knee joint and it can radiate down the back of your leg (the lower back).

If you experience these symptoms or if they are new to you, please contact one of our physicians so that we can help diagnose and treat them.

If you have Sciatica, the pain will radiate down the back of your leg.

If you have sciatica, the pain will radiate down the back of your leg. This can be caused by the compression of one or more nerves in the lumbar spine, which supplies sensation from your lower back to most of your legs and feet.

Sciatic nerve pain often feels like a burning or stabbing sensation in the buttock area but may also be felt all along the course of this nerve. It’s important to note that sciatica does not just affect one side of your body – it also affects both sides equally!

Spinal disorders can cause knee and lower limb symptoms, so it’s important to consult your doctor if you are experiencing knee pain combined with back pain.

If you have knee pain, it is important to consult your doctor if you are experiencing lower back pain. In fact, there are many conditions that can cause the two conditions to occur simultaneously.

Knee pain can be referred from the hip joint and sacroiliac joint as well as spine disorders, such as lumbar disc herniation or degenerative changes in those discs. Additionally, if knee pain is accompanied by lower backache then this suggests that something else may be going on with your pelvis besides just normal muscle tension around the pelvis joints (iliopsoas).


We hope that this information has helped you to understand why knee pain can be a symptom of lower back disorders. If you have any questions about your condition or would like more information about the steps that could help relieve your symptoms, please contact us today! We’ll be happy to answer any questions and provide an in-person consultation if necessary.

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