Understanding Bipolar Disorder

Understanding Bipolar Disorder

by Dr Sagnik Mukherjee

Posted on 20th February, 2024 at 6:29:55 AM

Bipolar disorder, a complex mental health condition characterized by extreme mood swings, is often misunderstood and misdiagnosed. In Kolkata, some of the best psychiatrists are dedicating their expertise to demystifying this condition and providing effective treatment. This blog post aims to shed light on this disorder through the expert guidance of Kolkata’s top psychiatric professionals.

What is Bipolar Disorder?

Before getting into the types and symptoms of this issue, allow the best psychiatrist to explain what it is. Bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic depression, is a mental health condition marked by significant mood swings. These include emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression).

Types of Manic Depression

Bipolar I Disorder: Defined by manic episodes that last at least seven days or by manic symptoms severe enough to require immediate hospital care.

Bipolar II Disorder: Characterized by a pattern of depressive episodes and hypomanic episodes, but not the full-blown manic episodes of Bipolar I.

Cyclothymic Disorder: Involves periods of hypomanic symptoms and periods of depressive symptoms lasting for at least two years.

What symptoms are experienced?

Bipolar disorder encompasses a range of symptoms that can vary significantly from person to person.

Manic Phase Symptoms

  • Increased energy, euphoria, or irritability.
  • Unusual talkativeness, racing thoughts.
  • Decreased need for sleep.
  • Impulsiveness and poor decision-making.

Depressive Phase Symptoms

  • Feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or emptiness.
  • Insomnia or sleeping too much.
  • Fatigue or loss of energy.
  • Reduced ability to concentrate.

What are the causes and risk factors?

The exact cause of this mental health issue is unknown, but a combination of genetics, environment, and altered brain structure and chemistry may play a role.

Genetic Factors

A person is more likely to develop this disorder if they have a family member with the condition.

Environmental Triggers

Stressful life events or traumatic experiences may trigger an episode or may contribute to the development of the condition.

Diagnosing Bipolar Disorder

Diagnosis involves careful observation of symptoms, medical history, and sometimes, physical examinations and mental health assessments. Kolkata’s leading psychiatrists emphasize the importance of a thorough evaluation to differentiate this disorder from other mental health conditions.

Treatment Options


Medications, including mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, and antidepressants, are often used to manage the symptoms of bipolar disorder.


Psychotherapy, or “talk therapy,” is an essential part of treatment. Therapies like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can help manage symptoms and provide strategies for coping with the disorder.

Lifestyle Changes and Coping Strategies

Adopting a healthy lifestyle, maintaining a regular sleep schedule, and reducing stress are crucial in managing this issue.

The Role of Kolkata’s Psychiatrists in Managing Bipolar Disorder

Kolkata’s best psychiatrists play a vital role in managing bipolar disorder by offering personalized treatment plans, ongoing support, and education to patients and their families.

Destigmatizing Bipolar Disorder

These professionals are also at the forefront of destigmatizing this disorder, educating the public, and advocating for those affected by the condition.

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