Risk of Hip Fractures in Elderly People

Risk of Hip Fractures in Elderly People

by Dr.Shailendra Patil

Posted on 9th May, 2022 at 10:25:59 AM

Older people are at a higher risk of hip fractures than adults, especially those with a pre-existing medical condition. Hip fractures can drastically affect your quality of life. Patients experience difficulty executing their routine chores or practicing normal joint movements. A hip fracture can be an intimidating experience for adults. Although adults might recover eventually, it can be a life-threatening experience for older people. Elders may need a total hip replacement surgery in Mulund to get permanent relief from pain and restricted mobility.

Why Hip Fractures are Dangerous for Elders?

There is a risk of death in older people with a broken hip, especially those suffering from cognitive impairment and other chronic diseases. The risk is higher in patients who consider non-invasive home-based treatment for fractures. Note that a serious fracture can affect your ability to walk independently. It can also lead to other complications, such as bedsores, pneumonia, urinary tract infections, and blood clots. Older people are also at a higher risk of falling due to a broken hip.

Around 95% of the hip fractures in older people occur due to a fall. Besides that, your bones tend to get weaker as you age. Even a small slip accident can cause a serious hip injury, requiring surgery. Older people are at higher risk of falling because of poor eyesight and lack of proper coordination.

Risk Factors

Although anyone can get a hip fracture from a fall, some people are at a higher risk of joint injuries. The risk factors for hip fracture in older people are:

  • Osteoporosis — It weakens your bones, making them prone to damage
  • Certain medications can cause dizziness and confusion in older citizens. It increases their risk of losing balance and falling.
  • Women are more likely to develop osteoporosis than men, which increases their risk of hip injuries.
  • Poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle as a child increase your risk of osteoporosis and hip fractures. You must include calcium and vitamin-D food in your diet to lower your risk.
  • Smoking and drinking are also associated with a higher risk of osteoporosis.
  • People with a medical history of hip fracture are more likely to suffer another fracture.

An unsafe home environment can increase the risk of a fall, resulting in a broken hip. You should remove rugs, carpets, and other obstacles. Older people should shift their rooms to the first floor.

How to Prevent Your Risk of Hip Fractures?

You can’t avoid hip injuries due to weaker bones or other pre-existing medical conditions, but these preventive steps go a long way in lowering your risk of hip injuries.

  • Practice yoga and physical exercises regularly to keep your bones healthy.
  • Eat a healthy vitamin and calcium-rich diet.
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking.
  • Remove things that can lead to trip hazards in your home.

Contact a hip specialist in Mulund to discuss your risks of hip injuries. They will order a few medical tests to examine your bone strength. They will prescribe supplements to improve your mobility and bone health.



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