Posted on 14th April, 2023 at 1:42:25 AM
Varicose veins can sometimes be painful and cosmetically disturbing, and some patients may also have an itching sensation. The itch can be occasionally or may last throughout the day and night.
What Causes Varicose Vein Itching?
Varicose veins are normally located near the surface of the skin. Blood flows from various parts of the body to the heart through these veins. In some cases, the valves present in between do not function properly or are damaged and the blood which is pumped instead of moving forward starts to pool in one place giving rise to inflammation of that region. As there is a dysfunction in the veins going on, the body strives hard to solve the issue. Partially the body’s response is by releasing a hormone called Histamine. Histamine is the same hormone that is released when there is any kind of allergy in the body. Once you scratch the area, more histamine is released, and more itching occurs. So, it is a vicious cycle, and we must avoid scratching at any cost. Easy to say, difficult to follow!
How to stop the itching caused by varicose veins?
Avoiding itching is the best way to end the cycle of skin irritation. Keeping the skin moist by application of Coconut oil and commonly available moisturizers also help. Drugs such as MPFF (Daflon) also help, by decreasing the inflammation of the skin over the varicose veins. Herbal remedies such as extracts of Butcher's Broom and Horse chestnut seeds have also been advocated. The long-term relief is however by treating the underlying varicose veins. Following a proper clinical and ultrasound examination, the varicose veins are nowadays treated by non-surgical methods such as Laser, RFA, MOCA, Glue, Sclerotherapy, etc. Doctors at our center have performed thousands of such procedures to date, and most patients have had good relief from their symptoms of itching after treatment.
Exercise is one very essential thing. The large muscles in your legs can contract and help the veins when you regularly indulge in physical activity, Exercise makes the valves push the pooled blood back to the heart. It’s also helpful to wear compression stockings. These should be tighter at the bottom than at the top. This can help the blood get back to the heart. Keep your feet elevated when you are lying down. This will have a reverse gravitational effect and night help in blood flow. A regular visit to a vein specialist can make a huge difference in a positive way. Doctors can prescribe you strategies for dealing with the discomfort after diagnosis as well as recommend treatment options that are long-term like sclerotherapy or laser ablation.
Varicose veins itch because of a condition called venous stasis dermatitis. When blood builds up in damaged vessels, it can eventually leak out into the skin. The leaky blood vessels and associated inflammation may lead to not enough oxygen reaching your skin. The skin over the veins becomes red and itchy.