Folate Deficiency

About- Folate deficiency also called folic acid deficiency is a medical condition in which there is an insufficient level of folic acid (a type of B vitamin) in the body. Folic acid helps to make or repair DNA and produce Red blood cells (RBC).
Folate deficiency Abnormal heartbeat
Folate deficiency Fatigue
Folate deficiency Gray hair
Folate deficiency Growth problems
Folate deficiency Headaches
Folate deficiency Irritability
Folate deficiency Lethargy
Folate deficiency Loss of appetite
Folate deficiency Mouth ulcer
Folate deficiency Pale skin
Folate deficiency Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
Folate deficiency Shortness of breath
Folate deficiency Tongue swelling
Folate deficiency Unexplained Weight loss 
Folate deficiency Weakness
Folate deficiency A diet with insufficient amount of fresh fruits, vegetables, and fortified cereals
Folate deficiency A family history
Folate deficiency Cancer
Folate deficiency Celiac disease
Folate deficiency Crohn’s disease
Folate deficiency Excessive alcoholism
Folate deficiency Kidney problems 
Folate deficiency Overcooking food
Folate deficiency Pregnancy as the growing baby absorbs lots of folic acid from its mother
Folate deficiency Sickle cell anemia
Folate deficiency Side effects of some medication
Folate deficiency Stomach operations

Specialists to visit
Oncologist General Physician

Oncologist Gynecologist and Obstetrician
Oncologist Hematologist
Oncologist Oncologist

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Folate deficiency

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